IAAC Ambassador Júlia Giordano Bianchi

Official IAAC Ambassador

Júlia Giordano Bianchi

 Ambassador Level
Accomplished (Score: 410)

Brazil, Rio Grande Do Sul, Caxias Do Sul
Centro De Ensino Tecnológico- Universidade De Caxias Do Sul

My name is Júlia Bianchi, I'm 18 years old and I live in Brazil. I have been interested in astronomy since I was 11 years old, when I started taking astronomy courses over the internet. My passion grew over the years when I started doing scientific olympics. Currently, I am a Citizen Scientist recognized by the IASC, MCTI and NASA, I am a scientific multi-medalist, math monitor in Nicolinha&Kids group, amateur astronomer, discoverer of two asteroids, recognized by NASA, analogue astronaut by Habitat Marte-BR and founder of an Olympic club at my school. I was Silver medalist in IAAC2023