Ambassador Level
Newcomer (Score: 130)
Montenegro, Podgorica
Gymnasium "slobodan Škerović"
Hello, my name is Slađana Vlahović. I am 17 years old, and I am a student in Gymasium "Slobodan Škerovič", in Podgorica, Montenegro. I have danced folkdance since I was 5, and I have participated in many competitions and evets. Also, I play volleyball and this year I was put as an assistant in an elementary school. I love to help other people, and I want to continue that way. (I was a part of an organisation that helped other people, with several donations and charities.) As a little girl, I was always interested in science, especially physics and astronomy. Every time I go out, I would ask my mum and dad a question about our planet, what is around our Earth, how we do not float in the air, and if there are people outside the Earth. Now, with this type of organisation, I can make my childhood dreams come true. Without my school and professor I was able to be a part of this competition and become an ambassador. I am really greatful.