Ambassador Application

In order to verify your eligibility as an official IAAC ambassador, please fill out the ambassador application form below. After you applied, the IAAC coordinators will review your application and contact you. Please make sure to enter all information correctly. The blue boxes give you important information and further details while filling out the form.

The application period for this year's competition is over. Thank you!

Full Name

IMPORTANT: Make sure to write your full name (forename and surname) correctly. This name will be used for the ambassador certificate!


Information: We will send you all important information to this email address. Make sure to check the spam folder to receive emails from *!


Information: Please enter your phone number with country code (example: +49 123456789). Your phone number will not be displayed publicly.

Date of Birth

Information: We recommend to be at least 14 years old to become an ambassador.


City or Region

Information: Please select the country and city in which you are currently living.

Name of School or Institute

Information: Please enter the school or institute you are currently affiliated with.

Picture of You

Information: This picture will be used for your personal ambassador page, public relations work, and it will be publicly visible online. Please make sure to upload a professional and high quality picture! (See Examples)

Application Letter

Information: Please upload a short motivation letter (~ one page) that explains your reasons and your plans for becoming IAAC ambssador:
(1) What activities would you do as IAAC ambassador?
(2) How can you inspire students for astronomy and encourage them to participate in IAAC?
(3) How many students do you think can you reach?
Please upload your letter in PDF format or convert your file to PDF here: PDF Converter
Note: Please address the application letter to Mr Victor Prado Both, Outreach Coordinator.

Application Video Link

Information: Please record a short application video in which you explain your motivation and goals as ambassador. The video should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long. Please upload the video somewhere (Google Drive, etc.) and enter the link to the video here.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Information: Please upload your most recent CV in PDF format or convert your file to PDF here: iLovePdf Convert

Transcript / Degrees

Information: Please upload your latest transcript (letter of reference, school results, university results) and/or the offical education degrees you achieved (for example A-Levels, O-Levels, Bachelor, Master, etc.).

Additional Certificates (optional)

Information: Please upload any additional certificates you want us to take into consideration.

Short Personal Introduction and/or Biography

IMPORTANT: This field allows you to write a short personal description, introduction, and/or biography. This has no impact on your application! However, this text will be displayed publicly on your personal ambassador page for other students to read (in case your application is successful). Please write between 50 to 200 words.

Password (for Ambassador Login)

Information: Your password has be at least eight characters long! You will need your password to log into the ambassador interface: Ambassador Login

I agree to the Rules and Data Policy of the IAAC 2024.