Registration for Teachers

On this page, teachers and supervisors can register to have access to the final exam of the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competiton and to upload the final exam answers of their students. Further details are available in this information document: Information Flyer

Full Name

Information: Please write here your full name (forename and surname).


Information: We will send you important information to this email address. Make sure to check the spam folder to receive emails from *!

Name of School or Institute

Information: Please enter the name of your affiliated school or institute.

Verification Document

Information: Registered teachers have access to the performance reports of their students and have the ability to upload the results of the final round. Because of that, it is necessary to provide a proof about your elegibiliy as an independent authority and to prove that you are an active teacher. The document should not be older than one year.

Note: If you are mentioned on your official school website (e.g. profile, contact information, recent article), please select 'Link to your profile/contact'. However, in this case we need an additional identification document (e.g. ID, passport, driving license).

Data Policy: All documents will be used exclusively for the approval and will be deleted afterwards!

Document: Letter of appointment

Information: We do not accept following documents: business cards, university degrees/diplomas, passports, LinkedIn profiles. Please upload your document in PDF or picture format.

Signed Teacher Form (Download)

Information: Please download the teacher form (PDF) for the final round and upload a signed copy. It is required to upload the form in order to confirm your compliance with the rules of the final exam. The form also includes the most important instructions and regulations for the final exam.

Password (for Teacher Login)

Information: Your password has be at least eight characters long! It will be used for the login: Teacher Login

I agree to the Rules and Data Policy of the IAAC.